Looking for a
Mini Dachshund puppy?
We have many quality puppies
for sale.
Learn more about the breed to find out if you are a suitable owner.
What you should know
Dachshund is a HDB approved breed.
Short-haired, Long-haired or Wirehaired. Dachshunds come in a variety of different colours, from red and black, to chocolate and tan.
Dachshunds are usually one-owner dogs with a independent and playful streak in them.
As family dogs, dachshunds are loyal companions and good watchdogs. They are good with children if treated well. They can be slightly difficult to train.
Dachshunds are considered a relatively low-shed breed. However, you need to brush a Dachshund puppy regularly.
Remember to not bathe your Dachshund puppy often. Too many baths for a Dachshund puppy can dry their skin out quite fast. It is preferred to bathe them only once a month.
Need more information? Arrange an appointment with us, to view and learn more about our available Mini Dachshund puppy.