Looking for a Welsh Corgi puppy?
We have many quality puppies
for sale.
Learn more about the breed to find out if you are a suitable owner.
What you should know
Welsh Corgis are not a HDB approved breed. They are very affectionate, love to be involved in the family, and tend to follow wherever their owners go. They have a great desire to please their owners, thus making them eager to learn and train.
Corgis can adapt to both city and country living with few problems. This makes them great family dogs, especially families that plan to expand and add kids.
Generally, Corgis have a weatherproof coat. They require minimal grooming for their double but short coat. We usually bring in red/white or tricoloured corgis.
Need more information? Arrange an appointment with us, to view and learn more about our available Corgi puppy.